Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship

Thanks to your generosity, the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship has given $60,000 to date!

Photo of Patrick Green in Rocky River football uniform holding a football

Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship will be awarded by the Rocky River Education Fund to a graduating senior who best exhibits the characteristics that Patrick stood for, including generosity of spirit, inclusiveness, and friendship to all. Most of all, the student will have demonstrated a willingness to embrace all staff and students at RRHS with a caring and loving attitude.

Rocky River Education Foundation Mission

The purpose of the Rocky River Education Foundation shall be to enrich and provide added quality to the educational experience of the students attending the Rocky River City Schools; to encourage further development of specialized talents, skills and academic achievements for individual students, faculty or administrators of the Rocky River City Schools; and to continue the educational traditions in our public school system that have contributed to Rocky River's reputation as an outstanding suburban community.

Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship Recipients


Alice Situ

Alice is attending MIT in the fall of 2024.


Censier Williams

Censier will be studying Psychology at Kent State.

What did receiving the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship mean to you?

It means a lot to me, words can’t even describe how much it meant to me the moment that I found out. I am truly grateful and thankful. I thank the Green family for presenting this scholarship to me. The scholarship helps push me in a very good direction in my future and gives me chance to make something of myself. And I am truly in the Greens debt.

How has the Scholarship helped you in your college experience?

I have not used it yet, I’m doing Tri-C for the mean time and plan on using it after deciding what university I will transfer to.


Megan Pawlosky, scholarship recipient

Megan Pawlowski

Megan is majoring in Architecture at Ohio State University.

What did receiving the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship mean to you?

Receiving the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship has had an extremely positive effect on my life. Patrick had a wonderful and unforgettable effect on the Rocky River community, and to have the honor and privilege of receiving his scholarship is something that I will carry on through the rest of my life. It has been a constant reminder to live by the values of friendship and extreme and limitless kindness that Patrick extended to all those around him, regardless of whether of not he knew them well. Although I can only hope to demonstrate these values as well as Patrick has, the scholarship has given me motivation to treat each new day as an opportunity for kindness. Patrick's effect remains in play through his wonderful family and the ways they have provided held and support to this community. Receiving this scholarship has been one of the greatest honors of my life, and I strive to live up to its meaning every day.

How has the Scholarship helped you in your college experience?

This scholarship has helped my college experience in so many ways. Financially, it relieved an extreme burden from my family and I, making it possible to complete my first couple years free of tuition stress. Academically, it is a constant reminder to work hard towards my goals to live up to the values of passionate hard work that Patrick demonstrated. It has also given me larger motivation to get out of my comfort zone and explore different interests, and make the most of my college experience and the opportunities it provides. It is quite an honor to be able to tell people Patrick's story, and explain how much this scholarship has impacted my college experience, and my overall life.


Photo of scholarship recipient Grant Scott

Grant Scott

Grant is majoring in Marketing at Miami University.

What did receiving the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship mean to you?

Being awarded the Patrick Green Scholarship was such a special experience; the day will never be forgotten. Patrick was a blessing in my life for six years. Even though he was only in my life for a brief period of time, his influence will always be felt. With being awarded this scholarship I can continue to live my life to the fullest and exhibit the characteristics that Pat stood for.

How has the Scholarship helped you in your college experience?

I'm grateful for the scholarship because it has benefited me greatly in a lot of ways. The scholarship has not only helped me out financially, but it also motivates me to put in more effort and pursue academic success. I now have the chance to tell people about Patrick's story thanks to this scholarship. I've thrived both inside and outside of the classroom thanks to the scholarship and Patrick's teaching.


Photo of scholarship winner Muhannad Abuzahrieh

Muhannad Abuzahrieh

Muhannad is studying Computer Science at Cleveland State University.

What did receiving the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship mean to you?

When I received the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship, it was an immense honor that touched me deeply. It was good to get this award, which honors the memory of Patrick Green, because it acknowledged not just my academic accomplishments but also my dedication to upholding his principles like honesty, kindness, and sincere love for people. I have always respected and tried to imitate Patrick Green's legacy of honesty and kindness in my own life. I have made an effort to uphold these principles throughout my academic career and my engagement in my social circles. I am honored to receive this scholarship since it shows that my attempts to uphold Patrick Green's standards have not gone unappreciated. It provides inspiration to keep aiming for greatness while upholding these values of honesty, kindness, and putting a smile on people’s faces. The scholarship has motivated me to uphold these principles on a daily basis in order to pay tribute to Patrick Green's legacy and make a contribution to the world.

How has the Scholarship helped you in your college experience?

This scholarship has greatly influenced my entire college experience in addition to providing financial support. Throughout my time in college, the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship has been absolutely helpful. With this scholarship, I was provided with financial assistance that directly supported my access to necessary equipment, computer science classes, and materials essential for studying computer science. It alleviated the financial strain often associated with acquiring coding resources, enabling me to dive deeper into programming languages, algorithms, cybersecurity, and other aspects of computer science. It paid for a number of other expenses like textbooks, which freed me up to concentrate more on my academics and less on how I was going to pay for my education. I was able to take advantage of new opportunities without being constrained by money because of this help. It has also been very humble to be acknowledged with this award named in honor of someone as great as Patrick Green. It's a responsibility as well as a privilege. It serves as a reminder to live up to his principles of honesty, kindness, and compassion of others that Patrick Green personified. My academic and personal development has been improved greatly by opportunities, mentors, and programs that I was able to access thanks to the scholarship. These relationships with my mentors and others have given me experiences, advice, and insights that have expanded my perspectives and enhanced my college career in ways I never could have imagined. The Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship has helped me push my limits and help me to pursue greatness and honor the principles that Patrick Green embodied.


Photo of scholarship recipient Mahdi Salti

Mahdi Salti

Mahdi is majoring in Health Sciences and minoring in statistics, Arabic, and biology. After he obtains his bachelor’s degree he plans to attend Physician Assistant school. He is currently at Cleveland State University.

What did receiving the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship mean to you?

When I received the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship, my first reaction was astonishment. I could not believe I received such a prestigious award. I was not only overjoyed but also thankful for the generosity of the Green Family and their kindness towards me. Receiving this award means that I can now help carry on Patrick Green’s honorable legacy by pursuing my education as well demonstrating the qualities and characteristics Patrick Green has shown to others.

How has the Scholarship helped you in your college experience?

I am now heading into my final semester at Cleveland State university. The Patrick Green Memorial Scholarships has allowed me to thoroughly pursue my education with a strong passion. With the assistance of the Patrick Green Memorial Scholarship and the kindness and support of my parents and the Green Family, I have received my Associate of Science Degree, and currently in the process of receiving a Bachelor's of Health science with a minor in Statistics and Biology at Cleveland State University. I am now in the process of applying to graduate programs with the objective of becoming a physician assistant.